Children and daycare

In many families in Denmark both parents work, and the children are minded outside the home during the day.

In Herning a daycare place is guaranteed within the 13 daycare districts.

A guaranteed daycare place means that your child will get a place within the daycare district you live in, but a specific institution cannot be guaranteed.

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Various forms of daycare

Childminding (dagpleje) - 24 weeks to 2 years 9 months
Where 3-5 children are minded by a child minder, in the persons private home. Can be hired by the municipality or private.

Day nursery (Vuggestue) - 24 weeks to 2 years 9 months
Institutions where the children are minded in smaller groups.

Kindergarten / pre-school (Børnehave) - 2 years, 9 months to 6 years
Institutions where the children are minded in slightly bigger groups. Sometimes Vuggestue and Børnehave are integrated, and sometimes there will be a further division into age groups within the institutions.

Generally, the institutions work with learning plans and various learning themes. Some institutions may have different types of focus, like sports or music and drama.

Some of the daycare offers in Herning include meals.

See the current cost of the various daycare offers here (in Danish).

See the different options of daycare on a map (vuggestue and børnehave).

Sign-up for daycare

Sign-up for daycare is done via a self-service system called digital pladsanvisning (digital allotment), which you access with your MitID.

In the system you can:

  • Enter your child on the waiting list.
  • Delete/change wishes on the waiting list.
  • Seek a subsidy.
  • Withdraw your child.
  • See the child's number on the waiting list.
  • Accept an offer of a place.
  • Receive an e-mail when there's news about your child.

You can sign-up before you have moved to Herning, if you have MitID.

Citizen Service can help with support for the digital solutions.

If you have questions about daycare in Herning you can contact "Pladsanvisningen" (Allotment service) - see contact information in the contact box.

Click to see the cost of daycare in Herning Municipality. The cost to be paid by the parents is in the column under each type of daycare. You pay 25 per cent of the actual cost.



Aula is the digital communication system where you as parents can communicate with your child's institution.

You will have access to Aula from four weeks before the child begins in the day nursery, kindergarten or other institution.

In Aula you can:

  • See pictures of everyday life in the institution.
  • Provide information concerning your child, e.g. contact phone number and any allergies.
  • Report holidays and absences.
  • Register for social events.
  • Communicate with the staff.

Find a guide to Aula in English here.

Bilingual children

Generally, the activities in the daycare offerings in Herning Municipality are in Danish.

Bilingual children between 2 years and 9 months and 6 years are entitled to language stimulation at their daycare - if needed.

Language stimulation is handled by language advisors and childcare workers.

If your child is not minded in a daycare institution, you will be contacted in order to evaluate the need for language stimulation.

Health nurse visits (Sundhedsplejen)

Health care visits is an offer for all pregnant women, parents and children in Herning Municipality. As health nurses, we work to ensure that all children and young people have a healthy upbringing, where they thrive and develop.

This includes creating the children's foundation for a healthy adult life. We do this by working to promote health and prevention. One of our main tasks is to provide advice and guidance on health and well-being to you as parents - right from pregnancy and up through school age.

When you meet us, we will therefore always be based on your needs and wishes. Find your health nurse here via this map:

Map of health nurses (sundhedsplejen)


Ulla Sandgaard
Tlf.: 96286074

Pernille Lauritsen
Tlf.: 96286073


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