Study in Herning

Herning has many study options, and offers an attractive study environment.

When you choose to study in Herning, you get both high quality education - and a well-developed study environment with many social activities and things to do after the lectures.

Herning has many rooms and apartments for students, and compared to the larger university cities, the cost of living is cheap.

The educational institutions in Herning work closely with the companies in the area.

At you will find information about the Danish education system, and the different study options available in Denmark.

The main further and higher education institutions with international study programmes in Herning are the divisions of Aarhus University and VIA University College.

Aarhus University Herning offers engineering and business programmes, and has approx. 1800 students (full- and part time).

VIA University College in Herning focuses on Design and Business, and offers various AP, Bachelor and Exchange programmes in English. VIA University College in Herning (also known as VIA Design) has approx. 1300 students.

Herning also has a Business Academy (Erhvervsakademi MidtVest) that offers professional bachelorate and AP programs. For the time being, they only offer programmes in Danish.

At and StudyinHerning on Instagram you can see more about being an international student in Herning.


Herning houses several vocational education facilities. The training here is a combination of instruction in schools and apprenticeship. The students become trained to become for example artisans or clerks, or to work within farming or healthcare. 

Herningsholm Erhvervsskole (EUD, EUX), Lillelundvej 21, 7400 Herning, Phone + 45 72 13 45 00

Agroskolen, Lillelundvej 21, 7400 Herning, Phone +45 97 11 60 53

Social- og Sundhedsskolen Midt- og Vestjylland, Gullestrupvej 10-12, 7400 Herning, Phone +45 96 27 29 29

Secondary education or High School education in Denmark (in Danish: ungdomsuddannelse, "youth education") usually takes two to four years and is attended by students between the ages of 15 and 20. Secondary education is not compulsory, but usually free of charge, and students have a wide range of programmes to choose from.

The programmes are academically oriented, preparing for further studies. 

High schools in Herning 

Herning Gymnasium (generic/STX - almen), H.P. Hansens Vej 8, 7400 Herning, phone +45 97 22 10 66,

Herningsholm Erhvervsskole, HHX/HTX/EUX - (Business/HHX, Technical/HTX, Vocational/EUX), Herning Lillelundvej 21, 7400 Herning phone +45 72 13 45 00,

Herning HF og VUC (generic - almen, and supplementary classes for adults) Brorsonsvej 2 7400 Herning, phone +45 96 27 62 00,

Social- og Sundhedsskolen Midt- og Vestjylland (EUX Health), Gullestrupvej 10-12, 7400 Herning, Phone +45 96 27 29 29


International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma programmes are offered on several high schools (in Danish: Gymnasiums) in the region of Mid Jutland. The closest is at Ikast Gymnasium, in the neighbour town of Ikast.

IB programmes are also offered at Struer Statsgymnasium  (offers bording school), Viborg Katedralskole (offers bording school) and at Aarhus Gymnasium in Tilst, in the outskirts of Aarhus.

Danish classes are offered for free up to three years to adult foreign nationals, who are registered in Denmark and have a valid residence permit. Please note that the free Danish classes should be completed within 5 years of residence.

In Herning the Danish classes are offered at the language center, Sprogcenter Midt, Herning.

A few weeks after you have moved to Herning from another country, you will receive a letter with information about language classes.

Sprogcenter Midt offers Danish classes at different levels and for different target groups. They also offer courses in other subjects like math and IT, and they host different events and activities where you can practise your language skills.

Contact Newcomer Service

Mette Klarskov Hebel
Newcomer Service

Torvet 5
7400 Herning

Phone: 96 28 85 18
Mobile: 25 32 26 73

Always use a secure email if your message contains personal information or data. If you reside in Denmark you can use Digital Post and MitID.

Write via (Borger)


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