Childminding (dagpleje) - 24 weeks to 2 years 9 months
Where 3-5 children are minded by a child minder, in the persons private home. Can be hired by the municipality or private.
Day nursery (Vuggestue) - 24 weeks to 2 years 9 months
Institutions where the children are minded in smaller groups.
Kindergarten / pre-school (Børnehave) - 2 years, 9 months to 6 years
Institutions where the children are minded in slightly bigger groups. Sometimes Vuggestue and Børnehave are integrated, and sometimes there will be a further division into age groups within the institutions.
Generally, the institutions work with learning plans and various learning themes. Some institutions may have different types of focus, like sports or music and drama.
Some of the daycare offers in Herning include meals.
Takster for børnepasning 2024 (in Danish).
See the different options of daycare on a map (vuggestue and børnehave).