A place to live

When moving to Herning you need a place to live. Most rental units are flats, but you can also rent a house. Here is a guide to the necessary information.

The Herning area offers are wide range of options for a place to live. House, terraced house, a flat or a room - in the city, the suburbs, smaller towns or in the country - every opportunity is there.

Housing associations

Three of the main housing associations in Herning - Fruehøjgaard, Fællesbo and Boligselskabet MidtVest - have a joint sign-up (Lejehuset.dk). 

Another housing association is Lejerbo.

Get first in line at the housing associations

Herning Municipality has an agreement with the housing associations (pendlerordning), which means that if your current address is more than 30 kilometers from Herning, and you have a fixed position in Herning or Ikast-Brande Municipality, you can get priority for an apartment. Contact the housing associations directly to learn more about the agreement.

Read more about the priority list here (in Danish)

Find contact information for the housing associations here

Private rental

Private properties for rent cannot be found in one central place, but there are a number of internet portals where available apartments and houses can be found. The most used are e.g. Akutbolig.dk, Boligportal.dk or BoligZonen.dk

Rent sizes in Denmark vary widely, depending on the location, size, and general condition of the specific dwelling. You can rent a room, a flat or a single-family house.

In small towns and in the countryside, it is usually easy to find rented accommodation at a reasonable price, whereas in the capital of Copenhagen and in the second-largest city of Aarhus, affordable accommodation can be somewhat harder to find.

You can rent either from a private landlord or a housing association.

There are many housing associations in Denmark, covering a wide range of flats and single-family houses built with public subsidies. The rent is typically lower than for other types of rental accommodation, but they might be difficult to obtain for foreign nationals because they are usually let out based on a waiting list.

In Danish, the concept "to rent" is "at leje".

Danmark Bolig is a webportal of housing associations in all of Denmark.

The three housing associations under Lejehuset.dk manage more than 1000 student apartments in Herning and at the campus in Birk. Visit their website to sign up for an apartment.

If you move more than 30 km to live and study here, you can get ahead in the queue. Ask the housing association to have this priority added to your application.

To buy real estate as a foreigner in Denmark, certain rules apply, depending on where you come from.

If you are from a EU/EEA Member State, you may buy real estate in Denmark without applying for permission as long as the property is to be used as your all-year dwelling, or the property is necessary for you in order to operate as a self-employed person.

If you are from another country than an EU/EEA Member State, you must apply to the Department of Civil Affairs under the Danish Ministry of Justice for permission to buy real estate in Denmark. When the application with all necessary information is submitted to the Department of Civil Affairs, the processing time is usually two to four weeks.

It might not be the first step when you come from abroad, but in Denmark it is quite popular to buy a plot of land and build your own home.

Herning Municipality sells plots of land for building and grant building licences. Read more about buying land for building here (in Danish).

The tourist office VisitHerning can help with more information on places to stay short-term.

Housing = bolig
Private rentals = lejebolig
Public housing association = alment boligselskab
To rent = til leje
Square meter = kvadratmeter
Apartment or flat = lejlighed
Terraced house = rækkehus
Detached house = villa
Housing cooperative = andelsbolig
Post code = postnummer

Post codes in Herning Kommune:
7400 Herning
7540 Haderup
7451 Sunds
7480 Vildbjerg
7490 Aulum,
6933 Kibæk
7270 Stakroge
7280 Sønder Felding

Contact Newcomer Service

Mette Klarskov Hebel
Newcomer Service

Torvet 5
7400 Herning

Phone: 96 28 85 18
Mobile: 25 32 26 73

Always use a secure email if your message contains personal information or data. If you reside in Denmark you can use Digital Post and MitID.

Write via Borger.dk (Borger)


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